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Electrician Trade

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Objective Questions on General Electrical Engineering

  1. Insulated cables are usually rated by their :

    Ans:  2


  2. What is cable tray?

     Ans: 1

  3. _________ cannot sustain much voltage fluctuations.

    Ans: 3


  4. Class B insulators can bear temperature (in degree centigrade) upto

    Ans: 1


  5. Excess 3 code is known as?

     Ans: 3

  6. Permittivity of free space is equal to

    Ans: 2


  7. Capacitor banks are connected with ac induction motor

    Ans:  1


  8. By looking at which part of the motor it can be easily confirmed that a particular motor is D.C motor?

    Ans: 3


  9. In regenerative braking which of the following is true?

    Ans: 4


  10. Which of the following statements regarding single-phase induction motor is correct?

    Ans: 4


  11. 25 kV, 50 Hz, 1 - φ supply is used for supplying power to the locomotives throughout India except which zone ?



  12. Three resistors, each of R ohms, are connected to form a triangle. The resistance between any two terminals will be

    Ans: 2


  13. A 100 W bulb is connected in series with a room heater. If now 100 W bulb is replaced by a 40 w bulb, the heater output will

    Ans: 1


  14. Which of the following statements is false in case of a series circuit?

    Ans: 2


  15. Which of the following quantities are same in all parts of a series circuit?



  16. Conductance is the reciprocal of what?

    Ans : 1


  17. You have to replace 1500 Ω resistor in radio. You do not have any 1500 Ω resistor but have several 1000 Ω ones which way you would connect them ?

    Ans: 2


  18. Bulbs in street lightning are all connected in which format?

    Ans: 2


  19. 1 newton metre (N - m) = ?

    Ans: 2


  20. In a delta network each element has value R. The value of each element in equivalent star network will be equal to
  1. The common voltage across parallel branches with different voltage sources can be determined by the relation V = (V1 / R1 + V2 / R2 + V3 / R3) / ( 1 / R1 + 1 / R2+1 / R3 .....) The statement is associated with which theorem ?

    Ans: 4


  2. The number of independent equations to solve a network is equal to



  3. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?


  4. What is the dielectric constant of mica ?



  5. Magnetic moment is a



  6. Temporary magnets are used in which of the following ?



  7. Autotransformer makes effective saving on copper and copper losses, when its transformation ratio is equal to



  8. The noise resulting from vibrations of lamination set by magnetic forces, is termed as



  9. In circle diagram for induction motor, diameter of circle represents which of the following ?



  10. Tarapur nuclear power plant has which type of reactor?



  11. Inside a hollow conducting sphere



  12. Two infinite parallel metal plates are charged with equal surface charge density of the same polarity. The electric field in the gap between the plates is



  13. As a result of reflection from a plane conducting wall, electromagnetic waves acquire an apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space. This is called the


  14. Length of the cable is doubled, its capacitance C will be



  15. ————- is the most detrimental impurity in the magnetic materials



  16. The chemical effect of current is used in



  17. Swamping resistance is used to compensate



  18. ———– was the first city in India to adopt electric traction.



  19. Unit of deflection sensitivity of a CRO is



  20. Null type recorders are



  1. _______ is used to measure the flow of air around aeroplane.

    Ans:  1


  2. Relative permittivity can be measured by _______ bridge

    Ans:  4


  3. There is a ________ between two nodes of signal flow graph

    Ans:  2


  4. What is the phase difference between two windings of A.C servomotor ?

    Ans:  3


  5. Which of the following logic circuits is the fastest?


    Ans:  3

    Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

    Ans:  3

  6. In a RC phase shift oscillator, the minimum number of R-C networks to be connected in cascade will be


     Ans:  3

  7. A three phase 400 V, 6 pole, 50 Hz, squirrel cageinduction motor is running at a slip of 5%. The speed of stator magnetic field with respect to rotor magnetic field and speed of rotor w.r.t stator magnetic field are

    Ans:  1


  8. A 400 V, 50 Hz, 30 Hp, three phase IM is drawing 50 A current at 0.8 p.f lagging. The stator and rotor copper losses are 1.5 KW and 900 W respectively. The friction and windage losses are 1050 W and core losses are 1200 W. The air gap power of the motor will be


     Ans:  3

  9. What is the rms value of the voltage waveform shown in Figure ?

    Ans:  4


  10. A galvanometer with a full scale current of 10 mA has a resistance of 1000 Ω. The multiplying power (the ratio of measured current to galvanometer current) of 100 Ω shunt with this galvanometer is

    Ans:  3


  11. Assume that diode D1, D2 in figure are ideal diodes. The value of current is

    Ans:  1


  12. India’s largest thermal power station is located at

    Ans:  3


  13. Oxide film arrestor has which of the following properties?

    Ans:  4


  14. How many classes of insulating materials are there?

    Ans:  2


  15. What are insulating materials that can tolerate maximum temperature?

    Ans:  4


  16. The current through the 2 KΩ resistance ( rest resitances are all 1 ohm each ) in the circuit shown in diagram

    Ans:  1


  17. What is the total installed power capacity (MW) in West Bengal as published by ministry of power in 2011?

    Ans:  3


  18. What should be the minimum depth (in metre)of cable trench to dug for laying of 1.1 kV?

    Ans:  1

  19. What is the dielectric material used in precision small value capacitor and capacitor used in radio frequency circuits?

    Ans:  3


  1. ALNICO is an alloy of

    Ans: 4


  2. What is the name of the fluorescent material that gives red colour fluorescence?

     Ans; 4

  3. NTPC (National Thermal Power Cooperation) has its only thermal power generating unit in West Bengal at

    Ans: 3


  4. Choose the best suitable of Diamagnetic : Paramagnetic::

    Ans: 1


  5. Find the odd one out.

    Ans: 4

  6. Which of the following is the least desired property in magnetic materials for electrical engineering applications ?

    Ans: 3


  7. Cryogenics is a branch of science dealing with which of the following?

    Ans: 2


  1. or making a capacitor it is better to select a dielectric having

    Ans: 2


  2. An electrolytic capacitor can be used for

    Ans: 1


  3. There are two capacitors C1 and C2 in parallel , what will be their equivalent capacitance?

    Asns: 3

  1. What is form factor?

    Ans: 4


  2. Select the wave that has the least value of form factor.

    Ans: 1

  3. What is the frequency of domestic power in India?

    Ans; 1


  4. What is apparent power in AC operation?

    Ans; 2


  5. What is the real power in AC operation?

    Ans: 3



  2. Sulphation in a lead acid battery occurs due to

    Ans: 4


  3. Capacitors for P.f correction are rated in

    Ans: 4


  4. Among the options which metal has the highest electrical conductivity?
  1.  If the fault current is 2000 A, the relay setting is 50% and CT ratio is 400 : 5, then plug setting multiplier will be

    Ans: 1


  2. The high torque to weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates

    Ans: 1


  3. Which of the following load normally needs starting torque more than rated torque?

    Ans: 2

  1. The numberof atoms per unit cell in a B.C.C structure is

     Ans: 3

  2. Class B amplifier is biased

    Ans: 2


  3. What is called the instantaneous value of an alternating current?

    Ans: 1


  4. What is called a cycle in case of AC operation ?

    Ans: 2

  5. Which of the following state capital is not on broad gauge track?

    Ans: 3


  6. Candela is the unit of what?

    Ans: 2


  7. Solid angle is expressed in terms of

    Ans: 3


  8. A square matrix is called singular if its

    Ans: 1


  9. In a series resonant circuit impedance is

    Ans: 1


  10. In single phase rotary converter the number of slip rings will be

    Ans: 1


  11. What is time period T?

    Ans: 2


  12. What is called the frequency in AC operation?

    Ans; 2


  1. Do you know the resistance of human body ?

    Ans: 4


  2. Out of the following which is a poor conductor?

    Ans: 2


  3. The four bulbs of 40 W each are connected in series with a battery across them, which of the following statement is true?

    Ans; 1


  4. Which of the following quantities remain same for all parts of a series circuit?

    Ans: 2

    Ans; 3


  5. Which of the following is a bilateral element?

    Ans : 3


  6. Electric field intensity (E) at ant point in an electric field is equal to

    Ans: 1


  7. The essential condition for parallel operation of two D.C generators is that they have

    Ans: 3


  8. Plug setting of a relay can be altered by varying

    Ans: 2


  9. Galvanised steel is generally used as

    Ans: 4

  1. What is the relation between time period T and frequency?

    Ans: 1

  2. What is referred as the average value in AC opearation?

    Ans: 4