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Electrician Trade

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Objective Questions on DC Motor

  1. Armature reaction in dc motor results

     Ans:  2

    The effect of the magnetic field developed by the current carrying armature conductors on the distribution of flux under the main poles is called armature reaction. Because of armature reaction the flux will reduce then emf will reduce then speed will increase.


  2. In shunt dc motor the direction of rotation of the motor will reversed. When

    Ans: 1


  3. What is the necessity of copper brushes in a dc motors?


    Ans: 4

  4. The armature core of the rotor bars of dc motors are laminated


     Ans: 3

  5. A lap wound 4 pole dc motor has 460 conductors. Find the number of parallel paths between the conductors?


     Ans: 2

  6. The armature resistance of the dc motor is generally of the range


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  7. The power flow of a dc motor, with respect to a DC generator is


     Ans: 2

  8. A 4 pole dc motor with armature winding resistance of 0.6 ohm receives a supply of 230 Volt. If the back emf produced during running condition is equal to 210 volt. Calculate the current flowing through the armature at this point.

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  9. The shaft torque of a dc motor is less than the electromagnetic torque because of


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  10. A 230 volt dc motor has an armature winding resistance of 0.5 ohm. Calculate the emf induced by the motor if the full load armature current is 23 ampere.


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  11. A 4 pole wave wound dc motor having flux per pole of 9.56 × 10-3 Wb contains 460 armature conductors. Calculate the back emf produced when it is running at a speed of 1500 rpm.


     Ans: 1

  12. A 4 pole wave wound dc motor having flux per pole of 9.56 × 10-3 Wb contains 460 armature conductors with armature resistance of 0.6 ohm. Calculate the startingcurrent flowing through the armature if the supply voltage is 240 volt.


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  13. In case of a dc motor the ratio Eb / E is indicative of


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  14. The output power of a dc motor is given by


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  15. When the armature current of 5 Amp is flowing through the dc motor the torque produced is 47 Nm. Keeping the speed constant if the armature current is increased to 7 amp, calculate the new torque. Assume losses to be constant.


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  16. The back emf produced in a dc motor depends on


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  17. A 4 point starter is used to start and control the speed of a


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  18. Which motor used in Lathe machine?


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  19. The armature resistance of 200 V dc shunt motor is 0.4 Ω and no load current is 2 Amp. When loaded, the armature current is 50 Amp. The speed is 1200 rpm. Find out the no-load speed?

     Ans: 1


  20. The direction of rotation of a D.C. series motor can be changed by

    Ans: 4

  1. In case of a D.C shunt motor under no load condition the air gap flux

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  2. In DC series motor the speed is ______________ proportional to the armature current.

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  3. A compound motor has

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  4. A dc motor with armature resistance of 0.5 ohms connected directly to a 230 Volt supply. If the armature is stationary then the current flowing through armature is

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  5. A shunt motor of 250 V having armature resistance 0.5 Ohm and no-load current is 2 A. When loaded and taking a armature current of 20 A. The speed is 1000 r.p.m. The approximate no load speed will be

     Ans 1

  6. The armature of a DC motor is laminated to reduce

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  7. A 4 pole lap wound DC shunt motor rotates at the speed of 1500 rpm, has a flux of 0.4 mWb and the total number of conductors are 1000. What is the value of emf?

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  8. Which of the following motors one will choose to drive paper machine?

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  9. In electric locomotive which of the following motor are used ?

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  10. A 250 V DC shunt motor having an armature resistance of 0.5 Ω and a field resistance of 250 Ω. The armature current draws 20 A. What is the back e.m.f of the motor?

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  11. On what factors the speed of dc motor depends?

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  12. The speed of a motor falls from 1100 r.p.m at no-load to 1050 r.p.m at rated load. The speed regulation of motor is

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  13. Swinburne’s test is applicable to

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  14. Which of these types of motor is used in elevators?

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  15. A 4 pole 250 V wave connected shunt motor gives 10 KW when running at 1000 rpm and drawing armature and field current 60 A and 1 A respectively. Its armature resistance is 0.2 Ω Assuming drop of 1 V per brush. The total torque will be

     Ans  1

  16. Two identical loss less series motors connected in series across a dc supply voltage, runs at speed of N1 and N2, then ratio of their output power is

     ans  2

  17. The dc motor which can provide zero speed regulation at full load without any controller, is

     ans  1

  18. Which machines are mostly gear motors?

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  19. Which type of motors are preferred in lifts?

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  20. In lathes, milling and grinding machines which motor will preferred?

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  1. Counter emf of a DC motor

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  2. The armature of DC motor is laminated

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  3. Width of a carbon brush should be equal to

     Ans 3

  4. Rotating part of DC motor is known as

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  5. Speed of DC motor can be controlled by varying

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  6. Eb/V ratio of a DC motor is an indication of

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  7. As load is increased, speed of DC shunt motor

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  8. A large series motor is never started without some mechanical on it because otherwise it will

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  9. Which of following winding is connected in series with armature winding of DC machine?

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  10. Direction of rotation of DC motor is reversed by

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  11. If connections of field winding of DC shunt motor is changed then which of the following is true?

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  12. With the increase in speed of DC motor

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  13. If the back emf in DC motor vanishes suddenly the motor will

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  14. The no load and full load speed of DC mototr are 1400 rpm and 1200 rpm respectively. What is the percentage speed regulation of the motor?

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  15. An electric motor with constant output power will have a torque speed characteristics in the form of a

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  16. The output power of any electrical motor is taken from the

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  17. The output indicate on the name plate of any motor is always the

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  18. The speed of a DC motor is

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  19. When the mechanical power is developed by a DC motor maximum

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  20. The direction of rotation of a DC motor can be determent by

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  1. In case of a conductively compensated DC series motor, the compensating winding is provided

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  2. The DC compound motors are generally

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  3. In a DC compound motor the field regulator is provided to


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  4. The armature shaft must be able to with stand

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  5. When the supply terminal of a DC shaunt motor are interchanged

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  6. The direction of rotation of a DC compound motor can be reversed by interchanging


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  7. The speed regulation of a DC motor is given as

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  8. If the load current and flux of a DC motor are held constant and voltage applied across it armature is increased by 5%, the speed of the motor will


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  9. If the flux of DC motor approaches zero, its speed will

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  10. The current drawn by a 220 V DC series motor of armature resistance 0.5Ω and back back emf 200 V is


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  11. A 220 V DC machine has an armature resistance 1Ω. If the full load current is 20 A, the difference of induced voltage and generator is

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  12. Consider a separately excited DC motor. If the field current is increased while the armature terminal voltage is held constant, then speed of the motor


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  13. If a DC motor is connected across the AC supply it will

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  14. The speed of a DC series motor is


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  15. In a DC series motor, if the armature current is reduced by 50 %, the torque of the motor will be equal to


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  16. If the field of DC shunt motor gets opened while motor is running

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  17. In DC shunt motors as load is reduced


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  18. A DC series motor is that which


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  19. The speed of a DC shunt motor more than its full load speed can be obtained by

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  20. The type of DC motor used for shears and punches is

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  1. Neglecting all losses, the developed torque (T) of DC separately excited motor, operating under constant terminal voltage is reduced to its output power (P) as

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  2. Which DC motor will have least percentage increase of input current, for the same percentage increase in the torque



  3. Interpoles in a DC motor must be




  4. A 240 V DC series motor takes 40 A when giving its rated output at 1500 rpm. Its resistance is 0.3 ohms. The value of resistance which must be added to obtain rated torque at 1000 rpm is



  5. In a DC shunt motor, Speed is


  6. In case the condition for maximum power for DC motor are established, the efficiency of the motor will be


  7. DC series motors are used



  8. The starting resistance of DC motor is generally



  9. As compared to an induction motor, the air gap in a DC motor is


  10. Which DC motor will be suitable along with fly wheel for intermittent light and heavy loads?



  11. The current drawn by the armature of DC motor is directly proportional to


  12. For same HP rating and full load speed which of following motor has poor starting torque?


  13. Field winding of a DC series motor is usually provided than thick wire


  14. what are the slot edges in a DC machine made of?


  15. A 230 V DC of shunt motor is operated at rated voltage and driving a constant torque load. Neglet the effect of rotational losses and armature reaction. If an external resistance 1 ohm is now inserted current is kept constant then the armature while the shunt field current is kept constant, then the armature current will


  16. If the temeperature is increased, the speed of a series motor


  17. If the temperature is increased, the speed of a shunt motor


  18. What is the mechanical power developed by a DC series motor is maximum?


  19. If the applied voltage of a DC motor is 230 V, then back emf, for maximum power developed is


  20. A 230 V DC shunt motor draws an armature current of 60 A while driving a constant torque load. An external resistance 1 ohm is now inserted in series with the armature while the shunt field current is unchanged if the armature reaction and rotational loss effect are to be neglected, then the fractional change in motor speed will be


  1. In an electric motor, the electromagnetic torque developed is

    Ans  1


  2. The horse power obtained from the motor shaft is called the

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  3. The mechanical output available at the DC motor shaft is equal tool

     Ans  4

  4. An electrical motor with constant output power will have a torque speed characteristic in the from of a



  5. A separately excited DC motor runs at 1500 rpm under no load with 200 V applied to the armature. The field voltage is maintained at its rated value. The speed of the motor, when it delivers a torque of 5 Nm, is 1400 rp, as shown in figure. The rotation losses and armature reaction are neglected. The armature resistance of the motor is
    DC Motor 5 Q.5



  6. In above questions, for the motor deliver a torque of 2.5Nm at 1400 rpm, the armature voltage to be applied is

    Ans   2


  7. A 240 V DC shunt motor draws 15 A while supplying the rated load at a speed of 80 rad/sec. The armature resistance is 0.5 ohm and the field winding resistance is 80 ohm. The net voltage across the armature resistance at the time of plugging will be

     Ans  4

  8. In above questions no.7, the external resistance to be added in the armature circuit to limit the armature current to 125% its rated value is

    Ans  1


  9. A 50 KW DC shunt is loaded to draw rated armature current at any given speed. When driven
    i) at half the rated speed by armature voltage contron
    ii) at 1.5 times the rated speed by field control, the respective output power delivered by the motor are approximately

     Ans  2

  10. A DC series motor fed from rated supply voltage is over loaded and magnetic circuit is saturated. The torque speed characteristioc of this motor will be approximately represented by which curve of figure?
    DC Motor 5 Q.10.1


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  11. A DC series motor driving and electric trains faces a constant power load. It is running at rated speed and rated voltage. If the speed has to be brought down down to 0.25 pu the supply voltage has to be approximately brought down.

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  12. In a DC motor if the brushes are given a backward shift then

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  13. The torque speed characteristic of a series motor is

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  14. For a constant suppply voltage what are the effects of inserting a series resistance in the field circuit of a DC shunt motor, on its speed and torque?

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  15. For a give torque, reducing the diverter resistance for a DC series motor

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  16. In a DC motor, shaft troque is less than the armature torque. This is due to

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  17. The speed of DC motor can be varied by varying

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  18. In comperison to shunt and compound motors, a DC series motor develops high torque at start. It is due to its comparitively

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  19. The speed of a 4-pole DC series notor at no load will be

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  20. In DC series motor, if armature current is reduce to 70% of its original value, the torque of the motor will be reduced by

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  1. A DC series motor is accidentally connected to single phase as supply. The torque produced will be

    Ans  3


  2. The armature resistance of a PMDC is 1.03 ohm. At no load, the motor draws 1.25 A from supply voltage of 50 V and runs at 2100 rpm. The no load losses of the motor is

    Ans  1


  3. Assume the no load rotaional losses to be constant in above question. The power output of the motor when it operates at 1700 rpm from a 48 V source is

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  4. Sarking at the commutator of a DC motor may result in

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  5. In case of conductively compensated DC series motor the compensating winding is provided

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  6. if T be the torque and Ia the armature current for a DC motor, then which of following relation is valid before sturation?

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  7. Flywheel is used with DC compound motor to reduce the peak demand by the motor, compound motor will have to be

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  8. In a differently compounded DC motor, if shunt field suddenly opens

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  9. As the load is increase the speed of DC shunt motor will

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  10. Which of following method of speed control of DC machine will offer minimum efficiency?

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  11. The armature voltage control of DC motor provides

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  12. Which of following motor has the poorest speed regulation?

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  13. The mechanical power motor developed by a shunt motor will be maximum when the ration of back emf to applied volatge is

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  14. The torque speed characteristic of DC shunt motor is

     ans 2

  15. The DC motor, which can provide zero speed regulation at full without any cntroller is

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  16. In a DC series motor, the torque developed is

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  17. Torque developed in DC motor depends upon

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  18. The armature resistance and brush voltage drop of a 120 V DC shunt motor are 0.2 ohm and 2 V respectively. The current at the instant of staring equal to

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  19. Torque developed by the armature of a DC motor is proportional to which one of the following?

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  20. For a DC shunt motor, no load speed is

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